
Safonov, A.L. Introductory article

Political communication and power

Turchinov,  A.I.  The mutual influence of communication and corporate culture in organizations of the state civil service
Alekseev, Yu. V. Capitalization of human development based on communication resources of new economy
Koksenova,  E.F. Communicative mechanism of the self-organizing political sphere of society

Problems of development and operation of Media Communications

Sharkov, F.I.  and Yudina, E.N. Regulation of relations in the modern media space
Vasilenko, V.I. and Mamedov, R.N. Media security as the subject of scientific analysis
Yambushev, V.Y.  Theoretical and methodological analysis of publications on the problems of leader's publicity capital

Communication: Theory and Methodology

Kravchenko,  S.A. Influence of nonlinear social and cultural dynamics on the risk: challenges  for sociological knowledge
Vasilenko,  L.A. and Gubernova,  M.V. Civil communications and distribution of social roles in the management of socio-epidemic processes

Classic Communication Theory

Fedulova, A.V. and Agapov, P.V. The mass information and communication in postmodern paradigm of w. Baudrillard

Information and communication

Dobrenkova, E.V. Discourse as a communicative experience and verbal communication
Levkina, L.I. Communicative-semantic methodology of research of the modern communities’ evolution
Nechaeva,  I.I.  Sociological information in the personnel evaluation

Ethno-cultural communication

Dmitriev, A.V. and Nazarova,  E.A. Conflict potential of ethnocultural communications in migration field of Moscow
Nazarov, A.D. Modern ethnomigration processes in the system of global public relations: communicative aspect

Communication and Innovation: Practice and Technology

Tot’myanina, J.V. Innovation: from linear to a mental model of information dissemination
Kireeva, O.F. Communicative consulting in the system of communicative management of organizations

Scientific discussions

Methodological seminar "Information and communication paradigm of Russian statehood development" in the frame of a permanent methodological seminar  "Russian statehood in the context of globalization", IGSUP RANE

Testing: publications of the applicants of the Academic Degrees

Efremov, E.A.  The problems of social advertising
Paramonov,  A.P. Social potential and social reserves of the military organization
Shtanko, M.Y. Modern migration communication in Russia: problems and special features.

In the original language

Gwynn, M. Powell. Cross-cultural observation of management in action: collective and individual culture
Sztompka, P. Seminar in visual sociology



TURCHINOV Aleksandr Ivanovich, Doctor of Social Science, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. E-mail:

Abstract: the article deals with the interaction of communication, communicative environment and corporate culture in the state authority bodies and public administration. The problem-oriented social research data with the evaluation of the corporate culture level in the state civil service of the Russian Federation and the role of various actors in its development is presented.

Keywords: state civil service, communicative environment, corporate culture, social cooperation, public administration, development of the institutions of the public administration.

1. Kontseptsiya reformirovaniya sistemy gosudarstvennoy sluzhby Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 15 avgusta 2001 g. № Pr-1496. [The concept of reforming the civil service system of the Russian Federation dated 15 August 2001, no. Pr-1496].
2. Romanov V.L. Sotsial'naya samoorganizatsiya i gosudarstvennost. M., 2000. 140 str. / Internet resource: [Romanov, V.L. (2000) Social self-organization and statehood, Moscow, Available:].
3. Tarasov S.G., Sukhodol'skiy G.V. Organizatsionnaya psikhologiya. Khar'kov, 2004. 256 str. [Tarasov, S.G. and Sukhodolskiy, G.V. (2004) Organizational psychology, Kharkov].
4. Tereshchuk E.A. Osobennosti korporativnoy kul'tury v organakh gosudarstvennoy sluzhby: sotsiologicheskiy analiz. Ekaterinburg, 2006. 166 str. / Internet resource: [Tereschyuk, E.A. (2006) Special features of the corporate culture in public service: a sociological analysis, Ekaterinburg, Available:].
5. Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba Rossiskoi Federacii: osnovi upravleniya personalom. / Pod obshey red. V. P. Ivanova. М., 2003. 410 str. [Ivanov, V.P. (ed.) (2003) The State Service of the Russian Federation: the basics of the personnel management, Moscow].
6. Ahas, R. and Mark, U. (2005) ‘Location based services - new challenges for planning and public administration?’, Futures, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 547-61.
7. Brown, S. L. and Eisenhardt, K.M. (1997) ‘The art of continuous change: Linking complexity theory and time-paced evolution in relentlessly shifting organizations’, Adm. Sci. Q., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 1-34.
8. Houston, D.J. (2000) ’Public-service motivation: A multivariate test’, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 713-27.
9. Ralston, D.A., Holt, D.H., Terpstra, R.H. and Kai-Cheng, Y. (1997) ‘The impact of national culture and economic ideology on managerial work values: A study of the United States, Russia, Japan, and China’, J. Int. Bus. Stud., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 177-207.


Author: ALEKSEEV Yu.V.

ALEKSEEV Yuriy Valer’evich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, …    of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel: +7 (985) 210- 65- 25, +7 (800) 777- 4- 777. E-mail:

Abstract: in the article author presents the innovation technology of the organization of project development management of human capital. This process is considered as modern development institution, the factor of growth of the national economy, carried out on the basis of changes in macro models of communication in modern society. The paper proposes a model of the system of socio-economic development of areas on a partnership society, government and business in the capitalization of the national economy.
Keywords: human potential, the human capital, human resources, manpower, market capitalization of human potential, the joint stock human capital, personnel logistics, state-private partnership, municipal-private partnership, a national competitive advantage.

1. Kontseptsiya dolgosrochnogo sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossiiskoy Federatsii na perion do 2020 goda, utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 17 noyabrya 2008 g. № 1662-r. [Conception of the long-term social-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the Federal Government on the 17th of November in 2008, no. 1662-r]
2. Alekseev Yu.V. Model' sotsial'nogo partnerstva. // Kultura zdorovoy zhizni, 2005. № 5. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2005) ‘Model of a social partnership’, Culture of a healthful life, no. 5].
3. Alekseev Yu.V. Zaemniy trud – innovatsionnie tekhnologii ustoychivogo razvitiya Rossii. // Sotsial'naya ekspertiza, 2008. № 2, S. 61–64. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2008) ‘Contingent labor - innovative technologies for sustainable development of Russia’, Social Expertise, no.  2, pp. 61–64].
4. Alekseev Yu.V., Andruschak E.N. Chelovecheskiy kapital i voprosi preodoleniya global'nogo krizisa. // Chelovecheskiy capital, 2009. №3 (11), S. 138–147. [Alekseev, Yu.V. and Andruschak, E.N. (2009) ‘Human capital and ways to overcome the global crisis’, Human capital, no. 3 (11), pp. 138–147].
5. Alekseev Yu.V. Praktika razvitiya chelovecheskogo potentsiala i ego kapitalizatsii. // Chelovecheskiy capital, 2009.  № 4(12), S. 82–89. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2009) ‘The practice of human development and capitalization’, Human capital, no. 4 (12), pp. 82–89].
6. Alekseev Yu.V., Golubev V.S. Chelovecheskiy kapital kak potentsial razvitiya i kachestva zhizni: mir i Rossiya. // Chelovecheskiy capital. 2010. №5 (17), S. 78–87. [Alekseev, Yu.V. and Golubev, V.S. (2010) ‘Human capital as a development potential and quality of life: the world and Russia’, Human capital, no. 5 (17), pp. 78–87].
7. Alekseev Yu.V. Chelovecheskiy kapital: praktika sozdaniya lichnogo i natsional'nogo bogatstva. Sistema upravleniya razvitiem i kapitalizatsiey chelovecheskogo potentsiala strany. // Chelovecheskiy capital, 2010. № 8, S. 38–45. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2010) ‘Human capital: the practice of creating personal and national wealth.The control system development and capitalization of the human potential of the country’, Human capital,  no. 8, pp. 38–45].
8. Alekseev Yu.V., Tokarev V.V., Plaksin V.A. Zaemniy trud: stolknovenie mneniy. // Profsoyuzy i ekonomika, 2011. № 3, S. 49–57. [Alekseev, Yu.V., Tokarev, V.V. and Plaksin, V.A. (2011) ‘Contingent labor: clash of opinions’, Trade unions and the economy, no.  3, pp. 49–57].
9. Alekseev Yu.V., Bobkov V.N., Prostov A.F., Plaksin V.A. Chelovecheskiy kapital: puti povisheniya urovnya zhizni naseleniya. // Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii, 2011. № 6, S. 68–76. [Alekseev, Yu.V., Bobkov, V.N., Prostov, A.F. and Plaksin, V.A. (2011) ‘Human capital: ways to improve the standard of living of the population’, The standard of living of the population of regions of Russia, no. 6, pp. 68–76].
10. Alekseev Yu.V. Put' rosta natsional'noy ekonomiki. Natsional'naya konkurentosposobnost' na sovremennih mezhdunarodnih finansovo-birzhevih rynkah. // Chelovecheskiy capital, 2012. № 6 (42), S. 126–129. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2012) ‘The path of growth of the national economy. National competitiveness in the current international financial and equity markets’, Human Capital, no. 6 (42), pp. 126–129].
11. Alekseev Yu.V. Chelovecheskiy potentsial – osnova perehodnogo protsessa k obschestvenno-sbalansirovannoy ekonomike. // Chelovecheskiy capital, 2012. №3 (39), S. 4–8. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2012) ‘Human potential - the basis of the transition process to the public and a balanced economy’, Human Capital, no. 3 (39), pp. 4–8].
12. Alekseev Yu.V. Mezhnatsional'noe soglasie – osnova preodoleniya ekstremizma i terrorizma. // Informatsionno-analiticheskiy ezhemesyachnik «Federalniy Patrioticheskiy Vestnik», 2012. № 01, S. 24–5. [Alekseev, Yu.V. (2012) ‘Inter-ethnic accord - a basis to overcome extremism and terrorism’, Information-analytical monthly “Federal Patriotic Bulletin”, no. 01, pp. 24–5].
13. Lozhko V.V. Formirovanie chelovecheskogo kapitala – glavniy resurs innovatsionnogo i sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossii. // Innovatsii, 2008. № 10, S. 30–5. [Lozhko, V.V. (2008) ‘Human capital formation - the main resource of innovation and socio-economic development of Russia’, Innovations, no.10,  pp. 30–5].
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16. Filippova I.A. Neobhodimost' investirovaniya chelovecheskogo kapitala kak ekonomicheskogo resursa postindustrial'nogo obschestva. // Nats. interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost', 2011. № 7, S. 11–7. [Filippova, I.A. (2011) ‘The need for investment of human capital as an economic resource of the post industrial society’, National interests: priorities and security, no. 7, pp. 11–7].
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KOKSENOVA Ekaterina Felixovna, Postgraduate Student of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU). Address: 4, 2-y Sel'skokhozyaystvennyy proyezd, Moscow, Russia, 129226. Tel. / fax: +7 (499) 956-05-01. E-mail:

Abstract: communicative mechanism of political sphere of society, which is self-organizing system to some extent, is treated in this article.

Keywords: communicative development, communication channels, political discourse, communicative-management process, codification, semantics, mass media, political theory, psychology, public opinion, social behavior, political legitimacy.

1. Shabrov O.F. Effektivnost' gosudarstvennogo upravleniya v usloviyakh postmoderna.  // Vlast', 2010. № 5. S. 4-9. / Internet resource: [Shabrov, O.F. (2010) ‘The effectiveness of public administration in post-modernism’, Vlast', no.5, pp. 4-9, Available:].
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4. Nelson, T.E., Oxley, Z.M. and Clawson, R.A. (1997) ‘Toward a psychology of framing effects’, Political Behavior, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 221-246.
5. Price, V., Nir, L. and Cappella, J.N. (2006) ‘Normative and informational influences in online political discussions’, Communication Theory, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 47-74.
6. Bucy, E.P. and Gregson, K.S. (2001) ‘Media participation: A legitimizing mechanism of mass democracy’, New Media and Society, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 357-380.



SHARKOV Felix Izosimovich, Doctor of Social Science, professor, Head of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of  National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE), Honorary Academic Figure of the Russian Higher Education. Founder of Communicology Science in Russian Federation, President of the International Academy of Communicology. Chief  Editor  of  the Communicology Periodical. Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (499) 956-05-01. Е-mail:
YUDINA Elena Nicolaevna, Doctor of Social Science, Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU). Address: 88, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (499) 245-03-10.
Abstract: the article considers various ways of public relations regulation in the modern media space. The term “media space” was introduced less than five years ago and became one of the most useful terms in many scientific works devoted to the formation, development and usage in mass-media.
Keywords: mass media, modern mass media, media space, information society, political elite, media events, media rituals, communication, the role of media

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13. Frunzǎ, S. (2011) ‘Media communication and the politics of the symbolic construction of reality’, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, vol. 10, no. 29, pp. 182-202.
14. Hibbing, J.R. and Theiss-Morse, E. (1998) ‘The media's role in public negativity toward congress: Distinguishing emotional reactions and cognitive evaluations’, American Journal of Political Science, vol. 42, no.2, p. 475-498.
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VASILENKO Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Deputy Head of the Russia Statehood History Department of the Faculty of the State Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. Е-mail:

MAMEDOV Ruslan Nuraddin ogly, Deputy Head of the Department of the Governor and the Government of the Moscow Region. Address: 1, Stroiteley bulvar, Krasnogorsk, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (498) 602-32-27. Е-mail: 9248477@gmail. com

Abstract: the article concerns the essence of the “mass media” and the “security of media” concepts in the context of globalization, democratization of social relations, the development of the information society and Internet communications. The term “media” has many interpretations: the mediator, the communication channel, one of the forms of mass culture' expression and development, the analogue of QMS. The authors discuss the patterns and socio-cultural features of the issues of security in order to form defending mechanisms against the dangers of the information environment in relation to the subjects (collective and individual), as well as to the processes of the creation, distribution, consumption and preservation media products.
It emphasized the importance of the personal safety of mediaeducation for the individual, which is based on the principles of self-organization. In this aspect it is important to create the conditions for openness, for forming needs and readiness for self-development, including an understanding of the functioning of media reality, for creating a context of tolerance and transparent interaction in the media.

Keywords: media, security of the media, civil communication, communicative environment, transparency, tolerance, communication network, global civil society, public sphere, the Internet.

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YAMBUSHEV Vildan Yunirovich, Postgraduate Student of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Re-sources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Ad-ministration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. Е-mail:

Abstract: the author analyzes the usage of the term “publicity” in the Russian science. It’s necessary to attract attention of researchers to the problem of the chief's publicity capital because it remains poorly studied, and increasing of competition in the management market requires searching new methods of influence.

Keywords: public capital, human capital, publicity, personnel policy, self promotion, branding.

1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 7 maya 2012 goda № 601 «Ob os-novnykh napravleniyakh sovershenstvovaniya sistemy gosudarstvennogo uprav-leniya». [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, (7 May 2012), no. 601 On main directions of improving the system of governance].
2. Arutyunov V.V. Pablisiti v sisteme sotsial'noy otvetstvennosti rossiyskikh korporatsiy. Avtoreferat na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni doktora sotsiologicheskikh nauk, Rostov na Donu, 2005. 36 str. [Arutyunov, V.V. (2005) Publicity in the Russian corporate social responsibility, Rostov na Donu].
3. Sharkov F.I. Konstanty gudvilla: stil', pablisiti, reputatsiya, imidzh, brend firmy. / 2-ye izd. M., 2012. 272 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2012) The constants of goodwill: style, publicity, reputation, image, brand companies, 2nd edition, Moscow].
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6. Alekseyev Y.V. Razvitiye i upravleniye chelovecheskim kapitalom v sisteme gosudarstvennoy sluzhby Rossiyskoy Federatsii. // Chelovecheskiy kapital, 2012. № 9 (45). [Alekseev, Y.V. (2012) ‘Development and human capital management in the public service of the Russian Federation’, Human capital, no. 9 (45)].
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KRAVCHENKO Sergey Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Sociology Department of MGIMO (MGIMO University). Address: 76, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119454. Tel./fax: +7 (495) 434-90-66. E-mail:

Abstract: in the article considers the process of forming a non-linear social reality. Also analyses changes, which are expressed in interaction sociology with other sciences, from whom borrows individual terms and even the concept, that later fills with proper sociological content.

Keywords: social and cultural dynamics, innovation risks, reflexivity, igraizatsiya, dysfunctional, subject index, cultural change, social theory, dynamic systems theory, social-cognitive dynamics, knowledge.

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VASILENKO Liudmila Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Social Science, Professor, Deputy Head of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE), Honorary Academic Figure of the Russian Higher Education. Deputy Editor of the Communicology Periodical. Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (499) 956-07-01. E-mail:

GUBERNOVA Marina Valerievna, Master’s Degree Student of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. Е-mail:

Abstract: health issues of the society in connection with the increase of social processes’ complexity in the context of life - forming beginning’s trinity – biological, social and spiritual – are considered in the article.
The term “health” – is a qualitative characteristic of population and basic component of the development of modern society. “Social health” is the ability to harmonize social relations in the society. “Spiritual health” is the presence of free development conditions with regards to morality.
“Socio-epidemic process” is the process of the emergence and diffusion of clinically expressed diseases among the population as well as dissemination of socioinformational viruses: the ideological currents, religious idea, technological innovation, fashion, gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc.
The authors show the meaning of social communications and the communicative environment. Also they show the use of synergy complex of e-government technologies including four levels of complexity (“e-informing”, “e-interaction”, “e-construction”, “e - new communication”) in the management of socio-epidemic processes in context of public communication’s development and social roles’ distribution.
The author revealed the possibility of social organism’s recovery by means of social therapy’s set of methods at three levels of social reality: mega (society, humanity), macro (communities and groups), micro (individuals).

Keywords: public health, civil communication, communication environment, self-organization, E-government, social therapy, clinical sociology, method of sociological intervention, social construction, socially significant diseases, social epidemic process, information virus, three components of the epidemic, social roles, civil society, empirical analysis, communication networks, global civil society, global governance, public sphere, environment, internet.

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14. Mergel, I., Lazer, D. and Binz-Scharf, M.C. (2008) ‘Lending a helping hand: Voluntary engagement in knowledge sharing’, International Journal of Learning and Change, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 5-22.
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FEDULOVA Alla Victorovna, Candidate of Social Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of Knowledge of the Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). Address: 1-33, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow, Russia, 119899. Tel.: +7 (495) 939-46-98. E-mail:

AGAPOV Platon Valeriyevich, Candidat of Social Science, the Department of Sociology culture, education and security of the Social Science Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). Address: 1-33, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow, Russia, 119899. Tel.: +7 (495) 939-46-98. E-mail:
Abstract: the article is devoted to the post-modern social theory of G. Baudriyar, including the logic of symbolic exchange, abstract code, as a universal equivalent value - the analogue of money; the ideas of imitation, overreality, symbolical exchange, temptation.
Keywords: postmodernism, mass information media, symbolical exchange, model simulation, simulacrum, functionality, the real, postmodern interventions, model simulation.

1. Bodriyyar Zh. Simulyakry i simulyatsii. // Filosofiya epokhi postmoderna. Minsk, 1996. 453 str. [Baudrillard, J. (1996) ‘Simulacra and simulation’, Postmodern philosophy, Minsk].
2. Bishop, R. and Phillips, J. (2007) ‘Baudrillard and the evil genius’, Theory, Culture and Society, vol. 24, no. 5. pp. 135-145, 155-156.
3. Mickey, T.J. (1997) ‘A postmodern view of public relations: Sign and reality’, Public Relations Review, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 271-284.
4. Smith, R.G. (2003) ‘Baudrillard's nonrepresentational theory: Burn the signs and journey without maps’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 67-84.
5. Macintosh, N.B., Shearer, T., Thornton, D.B. and Welker, M. (2000) ‘Accounting as simulacrum and hyperreality: Perspectives on income and capital’, Accounting, Organizations and Society, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 13-50.



DOBRENKOVA Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Social Science, Professor, First Prorektor of the International Academy of Business and Management (MABIU). Address: 15-a, 5th Drive of  Maryina Roshcha, Moscow, Russia, 129594. Tel.: +7 (495) 631-66-65. E-mail:

Abstract: discourse is considered as a communicative act and as a social dialogue. In the narrow sense discourse is considered as a communicative event which occurs between a speaker and a listener at a certain time and in a certain space. In addition, the discourse has a scientific meaning or the meaning of professional language, and also expresses ideas and social results, which should be the main phenomenon of social power, not just a way of describing the world.

Keywords: discourse, communicative act, communicative event, performative discourse, educational discourse, discourse practice, verbal communication, discourse analysis.

1. Kul'tura i kul'turologiya: Slovar'. / Sost. i red. A.I. Kravchenko. M., 2003. 928 str. [Kravchenko, A.I. (ed.) (2003) Culture and Cultural Studies: Dictionary, Moscow].
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3. Krasnukhina E.K. Filosof kak sotsial'nyy tip: intellektual'naya elita i intelligentsiya. // Traditsii i novatsii v sovremennykh filosofskikh diskursakh: Materialy kruglogo stola 8 iyunya 2001 g., St. Petersburg. Seriya «Symposium», № 14. SPb., 2001. S. 55-60. [Krasnuhina, E.K. (2001) ‘The philosopher as a social type: the intellectual elite and the intellectuals’, Traditions and innovations in contemporary philosophical discourse: Roundtable materials, 8 June, 2001, St. Petersburg. vol.14: Series «Symposium», St. Petersburg, pp. 55-60].
4. Borbot'ko V.G. Elementy teorii diskursa. Groznyy, 1981. 113 str. [Borbotko, V.G. (1981) Elements of the theory of discourse, Grozny].
5. Sarangi, S. and Baynham, M. (1996) ‘Discursive Construction of Educational Identities: Alternative Readings’, Language and education, vol. 10, no. 2–3.
6. Cannella, G.S. (1999) ‘The Scientific Discourse of Education: predetermining the lives of others – Foucault, education, and children’, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, vol. 1, no. 1.
7. Bredekamp, S. (ed.) (1987) Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age Eight, Washington; Burman, E. (1994) Deconstructing Developmental Psychology, New York; Pinar, W., Reynolds, W., Slattery, P. and Taubman, P. (1995) Understanding Curriculum: an introduction to the study of historical and contemporary curriculum discourses, New York.
8. Cannella, G.S. (1997) Deconstructing Early Childhood Education: social justice and revolution, New York; Block, A.A. (1995) ‘It’s alright, ma (I’m only bleeding)’: education as the practice of social violence against the child’, TABOO: the Journal of Culture and Education, no.1, pp. 121-142; Silin, J.G. (1995) Sex, Death, and the Education of Children: our passion for ignorance in the age of AIDS, New York.
9. Sharkov F.I. Kommunikologiya: osnovy teorii kommunikatsii. M., 2013. 488 str.
10.Greenfield, P.M. and Subrahmanyam, K. (2003) ‘Online discourse in a teen chatroom: New codes and new modes of coherence in a visual medium’, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 713-38.
11. Stiles, W.B. (1978) ‘Verbal response modes and dimensions of interpersonal roles: A method of discourse analysis’, J. Pers. and Soc. Psychol., vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 693-703.
12. Nippold, M.A., Hesketh, L.J., Duthie, J.K. and Mansfield, T.C. (2005) ‘Conversational versus expository discourse: A study of syntactic development in children, adolescents, and adults’, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1048-1064.


Author: LEVKINA L.I.

LEVKINA Liliya Ivanovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Doctorant, Associate  Professor of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. E-mail:

Abstract: transformation of the social structure of Russian and world communities is largely based on changes in the communicative interaction within and between them. Exchange of undistorted, contently transparent information in multilingual and monolingual social spaces is unlikely in the absence of a clear understanding of not only the words, concepts, but the semantic fields formed by them also.
The article investigates the communicative space by identifying fields of concepts, modeling the process of their formation, by the establishment of methods of their determination. The analysis of the communikological space, carried out according to our Methodology of Semantic Modeling and Forecasting can be performed almost in any language and community, it can simulate a clear picture of the social structure. It also provides a basis for establishing a common multilingual base of the concepts fields, taking into account the differences between the concepts of communities (whether the structures of power, whether political, civil etc.), and thereby to strengthen the social dialogue by allowing a clear understanding not only of words, but also the fields of the concepts.
Communicology is one of the basic vectors of evolution, and hence the entire socio-economic, cultural and spiritual context of the social structure of modern societies, and with it help it is possible to achieve sustainable human development without conflict.

Keywords: sociology, communication, communicology, communicological area, vectors of the evolution of the social structure of modern societies, methodology of semantic modeling and forecasting, changes and development of societies, semantic fields, fields of the concepts, research methods; semantic space; semantic categories.

1. Available: [27 Apr 2013]
2. Available: v [27 Apr 2013]
3. Available: [27 Apr 2013]
4. Available: [27 Apr 2013]
5. Sharkov F.I. Osnovy teorii kommunikatsii: Uchebnik. M., 2002. 246 str.; Sharkov F. I. Kommunikologiya: osnovy teorii kommunikatsii. Uchebnik. / 2-ye izd., M., 2010. 296 str. i dr. [Sharkov, F.I. (2002) Fundamentals of the communication theory: Textbook, Moscow; Sharkov, F.I. (2010) Communicology: basic theory of the communication. Textbook, 2nd edition, Moscow], and etc.
6. Vasilenko L.A. Sotsiologiya neravnovesnykh protsessov stanovleniya informatsionnogo obshchestva: metodologicheskiye podkhody. // Sinergeticheskaya paradigma. M., 2009, pp. 612-640; Vasilenko L.A. Internet v informatizatsii gosudarstvennoy sluzhby Rossii (sotsiologicheskiye aspekty). M., 2000. 195 str. i dr. [Vasilenko, L.A. (2009) ‘Sociology of nonequilibrium processes of the information society: methodological approaches’, Synergetic paradigm, Moscow, pp. 612-640; Vasilenko, L.A. (2000) Internet in the information Public Service of Russia (Sociological Aspects), Moscow], and etc.
7. Vasilik M.A. (red.) Osnovy teorii kommunikatsii. Uchebnik. M, 2003. 615 str. [Vasylyk, M.A. (ed.) (2003) Foundations of the theory of communication. Textbook, Moscow].
8. Naumenko T.V. Sotsiologiya massovoy kommunikatsii. Uchebnoye posobiye. М., 2005. 288 str. [Naumenko, T.V. (2005) Sociology of mass communications. Textbook, Moscow].
9. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskikh vyrazheniy. 4-ye izd. M., 1999. 944 stОшибка! Недопустимый объект гиперссылки.[Ozhegov, S.I. and Shvedova,  N.Yu. (1999) Dictionary of Russian Language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions, 4th edition, Moscow]; Bol'shoy tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka. / Pod red. S. A. Kuznetsova. SPb., 2000. 1536 str. [Kuznetsov, S.A. (ed.) (2000) Big dictionary of the Russian language, St. Petersburg]; Tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka kontsa 20go veka. Yazykovyye izmeneniya. / Pod red. G.N. Sklyarevskoy. SPb., 1998. 700 str. [Sklyarevskaya, G.N. (ed.) (1998) Dictionary of the Russian language of the late twentieth century. The language changes, St. Petersburg]; Abramov N. Slovar' russkikh sinonimov i skhodnykh po smyslu vyrazheniy: Okolo 5 000 sinonimicheskikh ryadov. Bolee 20 000 sinonimov. / 7-ye izd. M., 1999. 672 str.; [Abramov, N. (1999) Russian dictionary of synonyms and expressions of similar meaning: About 5,000 synonymous series. More than 20,000 synonyms, 7th edition, Moscow]; Dictionaries available: www.slovardal;; and etc.
10. Available:
11. Available:;
12. Szasz, A. and Meuser, M. (1997) ‘Environmental inequalities: Literature review and proposals for new directions in research and theory’, Current Sociology, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 99-120.
13. Chen, C. (1999) ‘Visualising semantic spaces and author co-citation networks in digital libraries’, Information Processing and Management, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 401-420.
14. Pederson, E., Levinson, S., Danziger, E., Kita, S., Wilkins, D. and Senft, G. (1998) ‘Semantic typology and spatial conceptualization’, Language, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 557-589.
15. Machery, E., Mallon, R., Nichols, S. and Stich, S.P. (2004) ‘Semantics, cross-cultural style’, Cognition, vol. 92, no. 3, pp. 1-12.
16. Humphrey, S.M., Rogers, W.J., Kilicoglu, H., Demner-Fushman, D. and Rindflesch, T.C. (2006) ‘Word sense disambiguation by selecting the best semantic type based on journal descriptor indexing: Preliminary experiment’, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 96-113.



NECHAEVA Irina Igorevna, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of the Vladimir State University, Doctorant of  the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. E-mail:

Abstract: the article discusses some of the sociological foundations of the collection of information, which is necessary for the evaluation of staff.

Keywords: information, personnel evaluation, social-management technology, human resources, human capital.

1. Turchinov A.I. Professionalizatsiya kak deyatel'nostnaya osnova kadrovoy politiki. M., 1988. 388 str. [Turchinov, А.I. (1998) Professionalisation as an activity-base personnel policy, Moscow].
2. Sharkov F.I. Kommunikologiya: Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar'-spravochnik. M., 2009. 766 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2009) Communicology: Collegiate dictionary catalogue, Moscow].



DMITRIEV Anatoliy Viktorovich, Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Address: 32a, Lenina prospect, Moscow, Rus-sia, 119991. Tel.: 8 (495) 938-03-09. E-mail:

NAZAROVA Elena Alexandrovna, Doctor of Social Science, Deputy Director of the Public Relations and Media Department of the Russian Pres-idential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 82, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, 119571, Теl.: +7 (499) 956-07-01, E-mail:

Abstract: the article considers the question of the influence of migration processes on the changing socio-cultural structure of the capital city, and in this connection, the increase of the conflict potential of ethno-cultural com-munication, which occurs in all spheres of life of the population of Moscow.

Keywords: migration, demographic development, migrant community, social structure, segregation, integration, cultural background, assimilation

1. Granina N. Moskvichi stanut natsiyey. // Izvestiya, 2010. 6 iiunya. [Granina, N. (2010) ‘Muscovites will be a nation’, Izvestiya, 2 June].
2. Chislennost' nelegal'nykh migrantov v Moskve - million chelovek. // 2010, 21 sentyabrya. Internet resource: // /2010/09/77327/. [‘The number of the ille-gal immigrants in Moscow - a million people’, (21 September 2010), Available:].
3. Baboglo S.A. Moskvichi schitayut, chto propadut bez migrantov. // Izvestiya. 2008. 27 noyabrya. [Baboglo, S.A. (2008) ‘Muscovites believe that will disappear without migrants’, Izvestiya, 27 November].
4. Gryaznaya, lyubimaya, uzhasnaya. // Izvestiya. 2010. 6 sentyabrya. [‘Dirty, beloved, terrible’, Izvestiya (6 September 2010)].
5. Internet resource: [Available:].
6. Otnosheniya moskvichey k trudovoy migratsii i trudovym migrantam. M., 2010. [Muscovites relationship to labor migration and labor migrants (2010), Moscow].
7. D'Haenens, L., Koeman, J. and Saeys, F. (2007) ‘Digital citizenship among ethnic minority youths in the Netherlands and Flanders’, New Media and Society, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 278-299.
8. Chiswick, B.R. and Miller, P.W. (1996) ‘Ethnic networks and lan-guage proficiency among immigrants’, Journal of Population Economics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 19-35.
9. O'Reilly, K. (2007) ‘Intra-European migration and the mobility-enclosure dialectic’, Sociology, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 277-293.
10. Olweny, C. (1994) ‘The ethics and conduct of cross-cultural research in developing countries’, Psycho-Oncology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 11-20.
11. Russell, S.S. and Teitelbaum, M.S. (1992) ‘International migration and international trade’, World Bank Discussion Papers, no. 160.
12. Nauck, B. (1989) ‘Assimilation process and group integration of mi-grant families’, International Migration, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 27-48.


Author: NAZAROV A.D.

NAZAROV Alexandr Danilovich, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor, Deputy Head of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. Е-mail:

Abstract: the article covers the problem of interethnic relations in the context of development of the Russian statehood. The author shows the value of the analysis of international cooperation problems for development of the Russian statehood, highlights the factors of interethnic relations.

Keywords: civil identity, ethnocultural consent, interethnic relations, multinationality, polyconfessional basis, ethnicity and social class, transnational migration.

1. King A. Pozvol'te kotu povernut'sya. Puteshestviye odnogo cheloveka cherez dvadtsatyy vek. // Ekonomicheskiye strategii. М., 2009. № 4. S. 26-34. [King, A. (2009) ‘Allow the cat to turn around. Journey of one man through the twentieth century’, Economic strategies, no. 4, pp. 26-34, Moscow].
2. Kennedi P. Vstupaya v dvadtsat' pervyy vek. / Predisloviye V. Sovrina. M., 1997. 480 str. [Kennedy, P. (1997) Entering the twenty first century, Foreword Sovrin, B., Moscow].
3. Zhivushchiye v SShA urozhentsy Somali opasayutsya, chto ikh deti uyekhali, chtoby prinyat' uchastiye v dzhikhade. // Kommersant. M., 2008. 9 dekabrya. [‘Natives of Somalia who lives in the United States are concerned that their children are left to take part in jihad’, Kommersant ( 9 December 2008)].
4. Nazarov A. D., Nazarova E. A. Rol' obshchestvennykh ob"yedineniy v garmonizatsii mezhnatsional'nykh otnosheniy i adaptatsii migrantov kak element sotsial'noy politiki (na primere stolichnogo megapolisa). // Sotsial'naya politika v kontekste mezhsektornogo vzaimodeystviya. Inst. sots. RAN. / Otv. red. A.S. Avtonomov, I. N. Gavrilova. M., 2009. [Nazarov, A.D. and Nazarova, E.A. (2009) ‘Role of public associations in the harmonization of the international relations and the integration of migrants as an element of social policy (with the example of the capital metropolis’, in Avtonomov, A.S. and Gavrilova, I.N. (ed.) Social policy in the context of cross-sector collaboration / Institute of the sociology RAS, Moscow].
5. Chernov D. Migranty kradut u Rossii milliardy. // Vremya novostey, 2002. 10 dekabrya. [Chernov, D. (2002) ‘Migrants are stealing billions from Russia’, Vremya Novostey, 10 December].
6. Obraztsova M. Ozhidaniya demograficheskoy yamy. // Nezavisimaya gazeta. M., 2010. 23 aprelya. [Obraztsova, M. (2010) ‘Expectations of the demographic hole’, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 23 April].
7. Rossiya v tsifrakh. // Kommersant – vlast'. M., 2010. 29 marta. [‘Russia in numbers’, Kommersant – Vlast' (29 March 2010)].
8. Rossiya v tsifrakh. // Kommersant  – vlast'. M., 2010. 5 aprelya. [‘Russia in numbers’, Kommersant – Vlast' (5 April 2010)].
9. Luzhkov Y. M. My za razvitiye kul'tury s glubokimi narodnymi kornyami. // Etnosfera. M., 2007. № 3. S. 4-5. [Luzhkov, Y.M. (2007) ‘We support the development of folk culture with deep roots’, Ethnosphere, no. 3, pp. 4-5].
10. Reprezentativnyy opros. // Nezavisimaya gazeta. 2010. 18 marta. [‘Representative survey’, Nezavisimaya Gazeta (18 March 2010)].
11. Ivakhnyuk I. V. Vliyaniye ekonomicheskogo krizisa na migratsionnyye tendentsii i migratsionnuyu politiku v Rossiyskoy Federatsii i regione Vostochnoy Yevropy i Tsentral'noy Azii v period economicheskogo spada: sovremennaya realnost I dolgosrochnie perspektivi. Analiticheskiy doklad. M., 2009. 76 str. [Ivakhnyuk, I.V. (2009) Impact of the economic crisis on migration trends and migration policy in Russia and Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions. An analytical report, Moscow].
12. Problema nezakonnoy migratsii v Rossii: realii i poisk resheniy. M., 2004. [The problem of illegal migration in Russia: realities and solutions (2004) Moscow].
13. Maksakova L. P. Migratsiya i rynok truda v Uzbekistane. // Migratsiya i rynok truda v Sredney Azii. / Pod red. L. P. Maksakovoy. Moscow - Tashkent, 2002. S. 10-26. [Maksakova, L. P. (2002) ‘The migration and the labor market in Uzbekistan’, The migration and the labor market in the Middle Asia, Moscow-Tashkent, pp. 10-26].
14. Vishnevskiy A. G. Naseleniye Rossii 2006. Chetyrnadtsatyy yezhegodnyy demograficheskiy doklad (2008). M., 2008. 299 str.  [Vishnevsky, A.G. (ed.) (2008) The population of Russia 2006, The fourteenth Annual Demographic Report,  Moscow].
15. Sukhov S. Cheloveka defitsit. // Itogi. M., 2002. 13 avgusta. [Suhov, C. (2002) ‘Human deficit’, Itogi, 13 August].
16. Sharkov F.I. Kommunikologiya: kommunikatsionnyy konsalting: Uchebnoye posobiye. M., 2010. 407 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2012) Communicology: communication consulting: Textbook, Moscow].
17. Moya, J.C. (2005) ‘Immigrants and associations: A global and historical perspective’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 833-864.
18. Rampton, B. (2011) ‘Style contrasts, migration and social class’, Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1236-1250.
19. Schiller, N.G., Basch, L. and Blanc, C.S. (1995) ‘From immigrant to transmigrant: Theorizing transnational migration’, Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 48-63.
20. De Genova, N.P. (2002) ‘Migrant “illegality” and deportability in everyday life’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 31, pp. 419-447.
21. Taylor, J.E. (1999) ‘The new economics of labor migration and the role of remittances in the migration process’, International Migration, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 63-88.
22. Vertovec, S. (2004) ‘Migrant transnationalism and modes of transformation’, International Migration Review, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 970-1001.



TOTMYANINA Julia Vladimirovna, Lecturer of the Udmurt State University (UdSU). Address: 1, Universitetskaya, Izhevsk, Russia, 426034. Tel.: +7 (3412) 68-16-10; 68-20-61. E-mail:

Abstract: the article considers linear, radial, and other communicative theory of information. The author offers a new mental model of dissemination of information that is applicable not only to the information field, but to the organizational structure of the company and the introduction of innovative processes. Also adduced an illustration of this model, and considered the variant of distribution of information in an educational institution through a typical organizational structure.

Keywords: mental model of the information, mental map, marketing, innovation in education, linear information model, radial information model, theory of communication, communication processes.

1. Zhukova Ya., Shirkov Yu. Modeli massovoy kommunikatsii: Nauchnyy otchet. M., 1989. 140 str. [Zhukova, Ya. and Shirkov, Yu. (1989) Models of mass communication: scientific report, Moscow].
2. Pocheptsov G.G. Teoriya kommunikatsii. M., 1998. 651 str. [Pocheptsov, G.G. (1989) Communication theory, Moscow].
3. Available: watch? v = MHhUnpFn51g & NR = 1 [21 Dec 2010].
4. Zelinskiy S.A. Informatsionno-psikhologicheskoye vozdeystviye na massovoye soznaniye. SPb, 2008. 416 str. [Zelinsky, S.A. (2008) Information and psychological impact on the public consciousness, St. Petersburg].
5. Myuller K.H. Sostavleniye mental'nykh kart. M., 2007. 128 str. [Muller, H. (2007) Preparation of mental maps, Moscow].
6. Nemov R.S. Fenomenologiya malykh grupp. // Obshchiye osnovy psik-hologii, M., 2003. S. 538-547. [Nemov, R.S. (2003) ‘The phenomenology of small groups’, General Principles of Psychology, Moscow, pp. 538-547].
7. Frolov S.S. Sotsiologiya organizatsiy. M., 2001. 384 str. [Frolov, S.S. (2001) Sociology of the organisations, Moscow].
8. Grin E. Kreativnost' v pablik rileyshnz. M., 2003. 224 str. [Green, E. (2003) Creativity in public relations, Moscow].


Author: KIREEVA O.F.

KIREEVA Olga Felixovna, Lecturer of the Cooperative Institute, Cheboksary (RUC). Address: 24, M. Gorky prospect, Cheboksary, Russia, 428025. Tel.: +7 (903) 345-57-31. E-mail:

Abstract: the article considers the communication consulting, which is represented in the system of organization management. Author deals with the object, the subject and the theoretical basis of the emerging direction - communicative consulting.

Keywords: consulting, communicative consulting, communicative management.

1. Sharkov F.I. Kommunikologiya: kommunikatsionnyy konsalting: Uchebnoye posobiye. M., 2010. 407 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2010) Communicology: Communication Consulting: Textbook, Moscow].
2. Available:
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4. Available:
5. Vasilenko L.A. Preventivnyye tekhnologii upravleniya kak sposob operezhayushchego regulirovaniya innovatsionnykh sotsial'nykh protsessov. // Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii provedeniya obshchestvennoy ekspertizy gosudarstvenno vazhnykh resheniy i obshchestvennykh slushaniy s primeneniyem “vysokikh” informatsionnykh tekhnologiy. // Avt. Kollektiv: L.A. Vasilenko, G.G. Grishina, V.I. Zakharova i dr. M., 2010. 376 str. [Vasilenko, L.A. (2010) ‘Preventive management technology as a way to advance innovative social management processes’, Collective of authors: Vasilenko, L.A., Grishina, G.G., Zakharov, V.I., and oth., Innovative technologies of the public examination of important public decisions and public hearings with the use of “high” information technology, Moscow].
6. Krylov A.N. Kommunikatsionnyy menedzhment & PR. Leksikon i praktikum. M, 2000. 98 str. [Krylov, A.N. (2000) Communicative management & PR. Lexicon and Practicum, Moscow].
7. Reva V.E. Kommunikatsionnyy menedzhment: Uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov RF. Penza, 2001. 152 str. [Reva, V.E. (2001) Management: manual for the Universities of the Russian Federation, Penza].
8. Sitnikov A.P., Ogar' I.V., Bakhvalova N.S. Politicheskiy konsalting Uchebnoye posobiye. M., 2004. 624 str. [Sitnikov, A.P., Ogar, I.V. and Bahvalov, N.S. (2004) Political consulting. The manual, Moscow].
9. Sharkov F.I. Konsalting v svyazyakh s obshchestvennost'yu: Uchebnik. M., 2005. 416 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2005) Consulting in public relations: Textbook, Moscow].
10. Shepel' V.M. Kommunikatsionnyy menedzhment. M., 2004. 352 str. [Shepel, V.M. (2004) Communication management, Moscow].


Author: EFREMOV E.A.

EFREMOV Evgeny Alexandrovich, PhD, Postgraduate Student of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. Е-mail:

Abstract: the article focuses on how to manage the use of visual means of communication in social advertising. Social advertising is presented as a mechanism for public relations, public information.

Keywords: social advertising, public service advertising, visual means of communication and management, social advertising market, social interaction, social marketing.

1. Available: [17 Apr 2013].
2. Nikolayshvili G. G. Sotsial'naya reklama: Teoriya i praktika. Ucheb. posobiye dlya studentov vuzov. M., 2008. 191 str. [Nikolayshvili, G.G. (2008) Social Advertising: theory and practice. Textbook manual for students, Moscow].
3. Available: [17 Apr 2013].
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6. Liu, Y. and Shrum, L.J. (2002) ‘What is interactivity and is it always such a good thing? Implications of definition, person, and situation for the influence of interactivity on advertising effectiveness’, Journal of Advertising, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 53-64.
7. Wakefield, M., Flay B., Nichter, M. and Giovino, G. (2003) ‘Effects of anti-smoking advertising on youth smoking: A review’, Journal of Health Communication, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 229-247.
8. Walsh, D.C., Rudd, R.E., Moeykens, B.A. and Moloney, T.W. (1993) ‘Social marketing for public health’, Health Affairs, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 104-119.
9. Van Cuilenburg, J. and McQuail, D. (2003) ‘Media policy paradigm shifts: Towards a new communications policy paradigm’, European Journal of Communication, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 181-207.



PARAMONOV Aleksandr Pavlovich, Postgraduate of the Social Management Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Тел.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. E-mail:

Abstract: this article concerns the problem of management efficiency in improvement in the military organization. The article gives grounds for social opportunities of fulfillment by personnel being highly important for the purpose of management efficiency and task performance improvement.

Keywords: military organization, personnel, social potential, social reserves, management efficiency, social support.

1. Prigozhin I., Stengers I. Poryadok iz khaosa: novii dialog cheloveka s prirodoi. M., 1986. 432 str. [Prigogine, I. and Stengers, I. (1986) Order out of the chaos: new dialog of men with nature, Moscow].
2. Grigor'yev A.A. Sotsial'nyy poryadok i voyennaya organizatsiya // Sotsiologiya vlasti, 2004. № 4. S. 44-58. [Grigoriev, A.A. (2004) ‘Social order and military organisation’, Sociologiya Vlasti, no. 4, pp. 44-58].
3. Voronkova N.V. Sotsial'nyy potentsial gosudarstvennoy grazhdanskoy sluzhby Rossiyskoy Federatsii. // Sotsiologiya vlasti, 2007. № 2. S. 69-76. [Voronkova, N.V. (2007) ‘Social potential of civil service of the Russian Federation’, Sociologiya Vlasti, no. 2, pp. 69-76].
4. Litvak B.G. Nauka upravleniya: teoriya i praktika. M., 2011. 424 str. [Litvak, B.G. (2011) Management Science: theory and practice, Moscow].
5. O'Shonessi Dzh. Printsipy organizatsii upravleniya firmoy. M., 2001. 225 str. [O'Shaughnessy, G. (2001) The principles of the organization of the management in the firm, Moscow].


Authors: SHTANKO M.Y.

SHTANKO Milanа Yurievna, Graduate of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. E-mail:

Abstract: the article considers the problems and peculiarities of the contemporary migration communications in Russia, their complexity and inconsistency.

Keywords: migrant communications, communications, migration, structure экспансия, transnational migration, cultural background, assimilation.

1. Dmitriyev A.V. Migratsiya: konfliktnoye izmereniye. M., 2006. 432 str. [Dmitriev, A.V. (2006) Migration: the conflict dimension, Moscow].
2. Nazarov A. D., Nazarova E. A. Rol' obshchestvennykh ob"yedineniy v garmonizatsii mezhnatsional'nykh otnosheniy i adaptatsii migrantov kak element sotsial'noy politiki (na primere stolichnogo megapolisa). // Sotsial'naya politika v kontekste mezhsektornogo vzaimodeystviya. Inst. sots. RAN. / Otv. red. A.S. Avtonomov, I. N. Gavrilova. M., 2009. [Nazarov, A.D. and Nazarova, E.A. (2009) ‘Role of public associations in the harmonization of the international relations and the integration of migrants as an element of social policy (with the example of the capital metropolis’, in Avtonomov, A.S. and Gavrilova, I.N. (ed.) Social policy in the context of cross-sector collaboration / Institute of the sociology RAS, Moscow].
3. Otnosheniya moskvichey k trudovoy migratsii i trudovym migrantam. M., 2010. [Muscovites relationship to the labor migration and migrant workers (2010) Moscow].
4. Yudina T.N. Sotsiologiya migratsii: k formirovaniyu novogo nauchnogo napravleniya. M., 2004. 397 str. [Yudina, T.N. (2004) Sociology of the migration: to the formation of a new scientific direction, Moscow].
5. Dmitriev A.V., Nazarova E.A. Migratsionnie probleny Moskvy. Sociologicheskie ocherky [Migration issues in Moscow. Sociological Essays]. M. 2011.96 str.
6. Moya, J.C. (2005) ‘Immigrants and associations: A global and historical perspective’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 31, no 5, pp. 833-864.
7. Rampton, B. (2011) ‘Style contrasts, migration and social class’, Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 43, no 5, pp. 1236-1250.
8. Schiller, N.G., Basch, L. and Blanc, C.S. (1995) ‘From immigrant to transmigrant: Theorizing transnational migration’, Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 48-63.
9. De Genova, N.P. (2002) ‘Migrant “illegality” and deportability in everyday life’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 31, pp. 419-447.
10. O'Reilly, K. (2007) ‘Intra-European migration and the mobility-enclosure dialectic’, Sociology, vol. 41. no. 2. pp. 277-293.
11. Taylor, J.E. (1999) ‘The new economics of labor migration and the role of remittances in the migration process’, International Migration, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 63-88.
12. Vertovec, S. (2004) ‘Migrant transnationalism and modes of transformation’, International Migration Review, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 970-1001.